About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a principle modality of Chinese medicine, an integrative medicine in which physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health is inextricably linked. In traditional Chinese medicine, every part of the body is connected by a web of meridians. During an acupuncture session, fine needles are inserted beneath your skin into the meridians to affect the flow of your body’s rhythms and substances.
Meridians follow fascia lines, and some avenues of thought see them as the same thing. Fascia is a continuous network of connective tissue that, along with being under your skin, covers every bone, organ, muscle, cavity, nerve, and vessel of your body. It is posited that the needle creates a pressure change in your meridians, which encourages your body’s innate healing abilities to flourish.
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, our health exists in dynamic relationship with our emotions, the land where we live, and our sociocultural context. Illness can emerge when there is disharmony in any of these elements or the interplay between them.
Commonly, people seek acupuncture to regulate stress, alleviate pain, recover from injuries, moderate addictions, and manage chronic conditions. Acupuncture is also very effective and widely used to support psycho-emotional health, menstrual health, pregnancy and postpartum care, sleep, and digestion.